Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: Lost and Found

The last bell of the day buzzed through the classrooms of the junior high. Doors flew open and the hallways were flooded with students ready to enjoy the weekend. “Hey, Trevor!” A small boy with cracked glasses and shaggy hair ran down the hall. Trevor stopped, adjusted his backpack. “What’s up, Noah?” Noah panted. “Where… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Lost and Found

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: How to make a Brownie brownie

Darcy scooped a level cup of flour into the mixing bowl. She brushed her bangs aside, smudging powder across her skin. The ten-year-old consulted the recipe once more. Her mom would be so proud. This was the first time she’d been trusted to stay at home alone—even if it was for only an hour. She… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: How to make a Brownie brownie

Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction Friday: Ding-Dong-Ditch

“Dare you to Ding-Dong-Ditch Ms. Hannity’s place.” Casper wagged his brows, his broad smile reflecting a mouth full of metal. “Nah. We’re eleven, now. Let’s do something fun.” Jared cast a wary eye at the old woman’s house. Its run-down exterior and overgrown lawn gave him the creeps. He kicked a rock down the vacant… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Ding-Dong-Ditch

Contests, Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Untold Podcast–“Serpent Quest” Feature and Time to Vote!

It's open! It's open! The voting is open on Untold podcast! *throws confetti* You might remember a post from a couple weeks ago about my excitement over one of my recent flash fiction stories. (Check out the post here, if you missed it!) To sum it up, my story, Serpent Quest, is a finalist in the Good… Continue reading Untold Podcast–“Serpent Quest” Feature and Time to Vote!

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: The Hike

“Careful. Not too close to the edge,” Danny’s mom said from the safety of the hiking trail. Danny nodded and stepped back from a large rock. This wasn’t the normal hiking trail he and his mom usually took. This one had a big drop off with a deep valley that looked like it stretched on… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: The Hike

Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction Friday: Wishful Thinking

James hurled the tennis ball at his bedroom wall then snatched it when it bounced back. He leaned against his bed and frowned. Grounded again. He didn’t see why. His mom had given him twenty bucks for the seventh grade dance. She’d never mentioned that it was “emergency only” money. The fancy fortuneteller the school… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Wishful Thinking

My Books, Uncategorized

Ironwood Alchemy Anthology Release–Including a short story by moi! (*squeal*)

Yay! It's finally here! I've been wanting to tell you guys about this super fun anthology coming out this month, but didn't want to post until the link was live. And guess what? It is!! Go find it here. This is the first anthology I've been part of and I'm really excited to read all… Continue reading Ironwood Alchemy Anthology Release–Including a short story by moi! (*squeal*)

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: The Sock Monster

“The Sock Monster was at it again.” Susan placed a pile of folded laundry on her son’s twin bed, a set of mismatched socks right on top. “He’s been hungry, lately,” Kyle said. The seven year-old sat crossed legged on his bed, a comic book before him. “Can we get more?” Susan bent to put… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: The Sock Monster

Book Reviews, Uncategorized

Book Review: RED by Liesl Shurtliff

Here it is! My review of book #3 from Liesl Shurtliff's series of children's novels based on fairytales. I've mentioned Shurtliff's other two novels--RUMP and JACK--multiple times in past blog posts regarding middle-grade books I would recommend. (You can find those reviews here and here.) So it's no surprise that RED, The True Story of… Continue reading Book Review: RED by Liesl Shurtliff

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: Invasion

Aliens aren't real. That's what I've been told the last twelve years of my life, anyway. Sure, science found a single-cell life form somewhere in our system, but it can't even talk back. What good is that? In our vast universe of planets, stars, and galaxies, we are the only intelligent life. That was, until today. Today… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Invasion