Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: Lost and Found

The last bell of the day buzzed through the classrooms of the junior high. Doors flew open and the hallways were flooded with students ready to enjoy the weekend. “Hey, Trevor!” A small boy with cracked glasses and shaggy hair ran down the hall. Trevor stopped, adjusted his backpack. “What’s up, Noah?” Noah panted. “Where… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Lost and Found

CF News, Uncategorized

Caffeinated Fiction Updates 2020!

Hey friends! I realize it's been a hot minute since I've last posted but wanted to let you know that I'm still alive! *tosses confetti* "Why Laura, you've been silent for so long! What have you been up to?" Welp, lots. Over the past four months: I've completed a NaNoWriMo with a brand new YA… Continue reading Caffeinated Fiction Updates 2020!

CF News, Uncategorized

Secrety-Secret News and Newsletter Sign-Ups!

Hello Caffeinated Fiction friends! I've got some fun news to share but promised my newsletter subscribers that I'd share with them first. Interested in finding out the juicy details now? I'd love for you to sign up for my newsletter! I've got a couple special announcements, PLUS a giveaway ONLY for my newsletter subscribers! Woot!… Continue reading Secrety-Secret News and Newsletter Sign-Ups!