Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Flash Fiction Friday: Home

The precious jewels weighed heavy in Andy’s hand. Emeralds, rubies, diamonds. The corner of his mouth curled as he spilled them into his small sack. He took one last glance at the sleeping figure of King Henry VIII. Then he tip-toed out of the bed chambers and slipped through the door. “Did you get them?”… Continue reading Flash Fiction Friday: Home

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

Splickety Magazine “Heirs and Spares” June Issue

Who's got a flash fiction story in this month's issue of Splickety Magazine? This girl!!  Eep! It's true! June 12 was Launch Day for the June issue of Splickety's "Heirs and Spares" edition of their flash fiction magazine. And my story, "The Announcement," was acquired! *cartwheel* You can download it digitally from Amazon here, or… Continue reading Splickety Magazine “Heirs and Spares” June Issue

CF News, Uncategorized

My Big Idea.

How many caught my latest Flash Fiction yesterday? It wasn't a Friday but it made for a good intro for today's post. *wink, wink* Recently I mentioned that I had a big idea for the New Year that I would share at a later date. Well, today is the later date! *Cartwheel* So, just what… Continue reading My Big Idea.

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

What is Flash Fiction? And The August Challenge.

So, if you've been following my journey in FF, you'll know that I didn't dive into this crazy world until 2016. Just after the New Year, I got into a convo with a friend about it and decided to give it a go. (You can find that post here.) If you haven't guessed, I've pretty… Continue reading What is Flash Fiction? And The August Challenge.

Flash Fiction, Uncategorized

‘It’s my Birthday’ Flash Fiction Challenge!

It's my birthday! And in honor of it, I'd love for all of YOU to do some WRITING, of course! Here's the challenge: Since I turn 42 today (Yes, you read that right. I did not invert those numbers. *wink*), my challenge to you is to write a Flash Fiction story in - you guessed… Continue reading ‘It’s my Birthday’ Flash Fiction Challenge!